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why... why is the best ending unreal??????


Love how when the level hen to 69 she said "Nice..

I looked at the bird bath and she said "Birdie...Yum.." I started wheezing

how do you find the coin

Lynis did it once again with exceeding the expectation

I was expecting a secret horror but ended up crying instead q-q


Thank you for playing. You just reminded me to update this game to fix those little bugs lol.

What bugs...

ive a question, is the rpg maker free? i might consider tryin it out :)


rpg wolf editor is free.

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lete reply but ty lol


Love all your games - also Mumu Soup's Adventure - it's amazing, please add it on itchio so more people can play it, it is just spectacular!!!! <3

thank you.

one day i will, just not now. owo;


Aww the happiest ending is the unreal one... of course. This game is sad and funny at the same time, I enjoyed it very much although I didn't find the gold coin.


This game was incredible!!!

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I swear...I didn't mean to find the gold coin..

how did you find it

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I completely missed the other three endings until I watched Chirin 06's Video, which I swear is not mine!

I didn't realise there was an inventory!! So, of course I just got the simple ending. I'm glad there was so much more content because I noticed the hints!

I love the game, and it was close but I'll say...

Mr.Chicken disappointed more than what was in the safe ;P (Also, what was with the screen effect when you get the coin?)

Thanks for the great game!

Deleted 159 days ago

its gardn time 


Great game


Salt's expression... so preciousXDDD