Hints and tips on obtaining the three special endings


I figured I should probably write this since the other endings aren't as straightforward as the normal ending...

In this game, it looks like a normal simuation where you plant flowers and put it in a box. The exploration aspect is vaguely hinted when you read the first two journal entries. The second journal entry hints on what you should do in order to obtain the other endings.


Another important factor to obtaining the other endings is obtaining as much blank flowers since you need to exchange them for essences. There is no other way to obtain blank flowers other than planting them yourself, however, once you unlocked the mailbox, you have a 1 in 3 chance of obtaining a blank flower everytime you enter the house and exit it, so check the mailbox frequently when you can.

Levelling up and the bird house:

It's much easier to obtain blank flowers when you are at a very high level, as you would have upgraded most of your equipment, and also the chance to reduce the time the flowers grow. Be aware however, once you've reached level 98 and have not yet maxed the affections of all flowers, you will be locked out of getting the other endinngs.

Also, because rng may not be in everyone's favour, I've included the option to exchange essence by interacting with the bird house which would unlock by level 90. This function is only available when you've obtain the "6 special flowers". 

At the moment, there is no other way to get the last "chicken" ending aside from RNG. I may add additional functions if it's still hard to obtain the other endings, as well as add more ways to obtain blank flowers.

Get Sweet Flowers and Salt


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(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much for this!

Also, the ending with the chicken was fricking awesome!